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    The Definitive Guide to Plant Care (Chye Heng Orchid Garden Edition)

    Care Tips For Your Plants

    #1: Water

    These are some important tips to know on watering your plants! 

    • Always water after repotting
    • Plants in bigger pots dry out more slowly than plants in smaller pots.
    • Plants in bright, outdoor spaces dry out more quickly than plants in shaded, indoor spaces.
    • Plants in high humidity spaces have soil that are moist for longer than plants in low humidity spaces.

    Common problems include over-watering and under-watering. Here’s how to spot whether you are over or under feeding your plants!

    • Wilting leaves: Either due to overwatering or underwatering. Suggestion: Check the soil to determine which it is. If the soil is wet, it’s overwatered. If it’s dry, it’s underwatered.
    • Browning edges on leaves: Either due to overwatering or underwatering. Suggestion: Check the leaves by touching the browning edges. If it feels crispy and light, it is underwatered. If it feels soft and limp, it is overwatered.
    • Yellowing leaves: This is an indication of overwatering. However, yellow, curling lower leaves can also be an indication of underwatering. Suggestion: Check the soil for moisture.
    • Foul odor from the soil: Indicat-e root rot beneath. Caused by overwatering. 


    #2: Sunlight

    Depending on the nature of the plant, the amount of sunlight plays an important role in keeping your plant healthy and happy! 

    There are three main light positions

    1. Indoor, shaded sun

    2. Partial sunlight

    3. Bright, outdoor sun 

    In order to determine which is best for your plant, please read our description for your plant or consult our staff to know which is best for the Singapore heat! You definitely want to prevent burning their foliage or depriving them of their nature’s food!

    First Step Of Caring and Planting Plants

    Some of us are considering owning our very first potted plant, or some of us are already seasoned plant parents. Irregardless, here are a few tips worth reading before getting your next plant!

    #1 – Understanding the light you can have in your space

    It is important to have as good knowledge of where the sunlight shines the strongest and where light does not reach at all. Some plants are not able to take strong sunlight at all while others need a lot of sunlight. Knowing where the light shines in your space will help you better plan out what plant is best suitable for you and where you can keep your plant healthy. 

    #2 – Prevent over-watering and under-watering

    This may come as a no-brainer but you might accidentally overlook the amount of water you’re adding to your plant! There is no hard and fast rule on how often you should water your plant but allow yourself to be flexible when it comes to watering. General rule of thumb: Do not water your plant if the top inch of the soil is still wet. Allow soil to dry inbetween watering in order to keep them healthy. Furthermore, you want to prevent over-watering so that your roots do not rot! 

    #3 – Less is more

    Although adding fertiliser seems like a good idea to boost the growth of your plant, you don’t always need it. Houseplants generally do not require fertiliser as much as outdoor plants do. Ironically, fertiliser can also do damage to your plant. However, it is advised to add fertiliser to your plant during its growing season! 

    #4 – Drainage is key

    Choose pots with a drainage hole beneath as it will help with your watering and prevent over-watering! Moreover it allows for the roots to have a bit more ventilation than if it is cooped up in the pot. Afraid of the mess? Get a base or saucer to prevent leakage and ruining of your furniture! 

    Gear Up

    Gear up, garderner! 

    Check out the different gardening products and tools that we have that can help you make your gardening experience more fulfilling! 

    Don’t be afraid to immerse in the full gardening experience. 

    Experiment with different plants

    Don’t be afraid to experiment with what suits you and what doesn’t! After all, that’s what being a plant parent is all about. 

    Relax and Have Fun

    Being a plant parent is supposed to be fun and stress-free! So let it grow and let yourself be immersed in the beauty of their foliage and Mother Nature’s work!

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